Can I finally lose the baby weight?

The answer is YES! You can lose the baby weight. I know it’s easy to get discouraged. After all, during pregnancy you just got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then the baby is born and three months later you’re like, “Why am I still fat?” flat-stomach-pictures

The truth is, you CAN lost the baby weight, it’s just going to take awhile. And don’t plan on looking exactly like you did before you had the baby. Truthfully, I think some women look better after having kids. A lot more tired, yes, but prettier nonetheless. I know after I had my daughter I was looking fierce about six months later. (Is it no surprise that I got pregnant again when she was a year old? Guess I was looking a little too fierce, huh?)

More than likely, your problem areas will be your belly and your boobs, as these two areas undergo the most change during pregnancy and the postpartum period. (Your thighs might be scary too, but let’s try to keep this positive, okay?)

I’m going to lose this stubborn belly fat if it kills me! You see, at barely five feet tall, carrying around a nine pound baby did a number on my belly. Basically, I still look about four months pregnant. Oh so sad. But considering my son is almost four months old, I’ll give myself some slack.

My first goal is a little weight loss. No point in doing all these crunches on a stability ball while holding one foot in the air, if I’ve got a layer of fat blocking my progress. So I’m going to aim for some cardio three times a week for starters, from now until the New Year. And I’m also (*tear*) going to be managing my portion sizes when I eat. This is my problem.

I love to eat. Put a plate in front of me and I can devour the food before you pull your hand away. The reason most moms gain weight (from my experience anyway) is because of time. I don’t have time to a) sit and count calories, b) prepare healthy food that everyone likes and will eat, c) chew my food. So I rush through meals, guessing at how many calories I’m inhaling.

I will make an effort, for my sake and my family’s, to prepare better food and take the time to properly eat it. Let’s see how it goes!