I stumbled over to BeautifulCervix.com, where a 25 year old midwifery student (who has never given birth) took photos of her cervix every day for a month in order to learn more about the changes the female body undertakes every month.
At first, I was a little perturbed. Only because, I hate having my yearly Pap tests done and she was willing to stick a speculum AND a camera up there for 30 days straight. Very, very brave. I hope she ate a cookie when she was done.
But then I was intrigued, because she has knowledge about her body that I still don’t. I’ve been pregnant twice and still (somewhat) have no clue how it happened. (Spare me the lesson on the reproductive system – I mean, the changes my body underwent to make sure it was ready to meet my husband’s sperm. Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d type.)
Be forewarned, the site is very NSFW (although most people might not know what it is you’re looking at) but very very cool.
Man! Talk about hands on experience!
Sounds cool, I’ll have to check it out. Very true that many of us know next to nothing about our own bodies. Everything from the proper names for all of our sex organs, the fact that the vagina is just the opening and not the whole pubic area! And the list goes on and on… don’t even get me started on what happens to our bodies during sex… and orgasms. I said, don’t get me started, lol.