Save money through e-mail (Remember that?)

saving-moneyI’m a little obsessed with saving money. I monitor my account balances almost hourly, and I’m always scheming of ways to either save more money or make more money so I can save more money. (It’s okay if you had to re-read that last sentence. I did too :)

My latest thing? Signing up for all kinds of newsletters and e-mail alerts.

Go to any of your favorite stores, whether it’s Target, Old Navy, Carter’s, JCPenney, etc, I’m guessing they have some way of e-mailing coupons to you. (P.S. Sign up for a baby registry at Target – they’ll send you coupons for the first year of the kid’s life, saving you money on formula, diapers, and baby stuff.)

Go the the manufacturer’s sites – Pampers, Huggies, Gerber – and sign up for their coupons. Free baby stuff awaits!


  1. Oooh, I didn’t think about Gerber! I’m signed up with Huggies. Also Enfamil and Similac send me $5.00 off coupons about once a month and it’s so helpful! I also get a bunch of other junk in the mail. It’s like once you have a baby all these companies get your info and send you stuff from all over!