Why I still look four (okay, maybe five) months pregnant if I don’t suck in my gut

Okay so remember that post I did a few weeks back about losing the baby weight?

Um…yeah. About that.

*Sigh* I still have about 15 pounds to lose. Well, if I lose 5 I’ll be happy.

I started my quest to lose weight by getting up at 4:30 every morning to work out. 4:30 a.m. As in, four and a half hours after midnight.

It was rough. This is what my day looked like:

4:30 – Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.

4:32 – Don’t really go back to sleep so I get up and turn off alarm. Stretch for a moment then go to the living room (literally six steps away) to search the Exercise On Demand channel for something that will help me lose weight but won’t make me sweat a lot and curse the TV.

4:55 – Finish workout

5:00 – Shower, shove a handful of cereal in my mouth and go wake up my son.

5:15 – Change son’s poopy diaper (always wakes up with poopy diaper) and take off his dirty pajamas. Wrap him in blanket and sit on the couch and watch Married with Children while feeding him. Burp him, let him barf all over me. Niiice.

5:20 – Finish feeding him, wipe vomit off shoulder, arm, leg, back, hand, etc.

5:25 – Put him in that day’s clothes plus a bib to catch additional vomit. Go look at my still sleeping husband and fight urge to hit him with a shoe.

5:32 – Figure out what I’m wearing that day while bouncing my son on my hip. Spend 38 seconds ironing my clothes.

5:40 – Son vomits. Start process all over. Change son’s clothes again.

5:47 – Hear daughter whimpering. She wants to get up out of bed. Glance at husband who is STILL SLEEPING.

5:55 – Can’t take the whimpering so I go get my daughter and feed her her breakfast of orange juice, yogurt and Cheerios. Gets yogurt all over her pajamas and gives me a big grin. I wipe her down and put on her clothes for the day.

6:05 – Husband is still sleeping.


6:30 – Husband stumbles to the bathroom to start shaving.

At this point, I’ve been up for two hours and it’s time for me to throw on my clothes and sprint out the door to drive the 65 minutes to work.

I can’t get up at 4:30 anymore. I just can’t. So I need to move my workout, but I don’t know when. At 5 p.m. when I get home from work? But then who would make dinner? Argh!!

Maybe I’m just destined to carry around this extra weight for a while, until my life slows a bit. Lord only knows when that’s going to be. Maybe I should listen to Laila Ali and her tips for moms to get in shape…



  1. You deserve to lose every single pound just for getting up at 4:30 am! I’m exhausted just reading about your morning routine.

  2. I know exactly what you going through. My baby is now 10 months old and that last 15 pounds just does not want to come off. Perhaps it’s my age..I don’t know. The pounds melted off when I had my..son…but that was 15 years ago. They even melted off after the second baby…who is now 6 years old. But after the last 2… which I had back to back.. I can’t seem to get the weight off. And it is very difficult to find the time to work out.

    I at least 3 or 4 times a week, I try to go running for a few miles. But sometimes that is not possible with four kids and a husband.

    To be honest, my husband is loving this extra weight…but I really will not feel comfortable with myself if I don’t lose at least 5 or 10 of these pounds.

  3. Now that’s ambition, lol. I took a break from trying to get back to being “me”. I have about 20 lbs left to reach my goal, but of course, haven’t found the time to devote to my own self care. Right now I am happy being fat, lol. I will probably get back on the wagon next year so I can get in shape before my graduation.

    Perhaps you can work something out with hubby where he can tend to the kids while you either catch a workout on the tube, or even better, find a local class so you get out of the house.

  4. Waking up at 5am was crazy for me, 4:30 is just insane…especially as late as this night owl likes to go to sleep. I don’t think the hubby has a problem with the baby weight and I still say you look good for someone who has had two children! Now when you get to be my size, that’s when you might wanna be getting up early to burn some calories! 😛

    As far as when to do it, what about days when you have leftovers? How about you and the hubby taking turns cooking? Or maybe after you cook dinner and eat. More calories to burn off! You could turn on something in the living room and I’m sure lil mama would love to try to workout with mommy! It’s something you and her could do together and lil man can watch or do his own little workout on the floor :) Just a suggestion!

  5. Good Lord, STOP THAT. I’d always rather be chubby than wake up at 4:30…

  6. I saw your post on BMWK, even though exercising is needed, it takes time to figure out how and when to fit it in to our schedules; as you are experiencing now. It should be easier to lose weight by changing your diet a bit. Do a search for water therapy (you will see a big change within a few days) and try green smoothies (many recipes on youtube and various sites if you do a search). Your daughter is young and it will be easier to start her on some smoothies now, she will be set for life. If you have any questions, you can email me, I’ll email you my phone number (thats for anyone who reads this post).