Weekly inspiration: Accepting and fixing your flaws

Being a mom sometimes means your flaws are in the spotlight because your babies are your walking, talking, breathing reflection.

You show your frustration, all of a sudden they’ve got their hands on their hips and are mimicking your tone of voice.

I know, after having my daughter (who is truly my mini-me), that one of my biggest problems is my impatience. When I ask for help, I’d like it to be done NOW, not five minutes from now.

Now that I am the first female role model my daughter has, I feel like it’s my duty to become the best person I can be on a daily basis to give her a good sense of what a real woman is like. It’s an ongoing progress, but every day I get a tiny bit closer to the woman I want to be.

Do you feel you are the best you can be right now? What can you do to accept and fix your flaws?


  1. luckily I dont have any mini-mes to worry about. I’m stubborn and I can be a workaholic…and i like it that way. lol I do, however have nephews I am constantly around and I find my middle nephew becoming a lot like his favorite auntie…hmm…may have to pare back a lil sooner than I thought I would. lol

  2. Writing in my journal helps me a lot. For me it’s like getting frustrations, worries, thoughts, etc. off of me and putting them in my journal. Once there outside of me and off of me, I can go into the world and try again.

  3. Did your mother ever tell you that one day she hopes you have a child who is JUST LIKE YOU? Well, mine did, and I got her…to the 10th power.

    Kids do have a way of picking the most inopportune times to show everyone who they really are. And, unfortunately, the behaviors that tend to frustrate us the most are the ones that are all us…the parents.

    I can’t wait for my baby girl to have a daughter who is JUST LIKE HER, smart mouth and all.

  4. Lol, Lisa is not alone. I got the same “just like you” speech… and yep, its true… in certain areas, lol.

    I think I am in the “accepting” stages right now. I’m not the best woman I can be “right now” because I still have some healing to do, but I am in the process of getting that started. Luckily, Miss J is a little people person and she makes her own party… one of those march to her own drum kind of girls. She likes to be like me at times, but she is quite the little leader of the pack.

  5. @ Lisa,

    Yeah, my mama cursed me like that, and it has come full circle! Only she is now the nice one, and I’m all frazzled because of my son’s behavior.

    I’ll say it like Bill Cosby said it: “You’re looking at an old person who wants to get into heaven now. That’s NOT the woman I grew up with!”