Follow us this week as we set about saving money!
Today we tackle the kids’ room.
Spending a ton on storage isn’t really in the budget right now, but I do wish I could keep my kids’ toys organized in some way that’s cute and affordable.
But there are some things you can do to get your kids’ room spruced up for little money but a big reward:
1) Reuse the shoe boxes. Little kids don’t need shoe boxes, but don’t throw them out. Instead, get some contact paper and cover them in pretty colors to match the room’s theme. Use them for markers and crayons, extra paper, bath toys, etc.
2) Use that wall space. Get a net and some tacks you have an instant storage solution for your kids’ stuffed animals.
3) Zip-lock bags are your friend. If your kids have, like mine, a ton of toys that each have 100 little pieces, you need to find a way to keep them all together. Gather all the little pieces into one bag, label it and then keep them together in a larger box.
4) Stack it up. Keep books and other toys off the floor with these inexpensive stacking cubes.
Any other tips? You know I’d love to hear them!
I use the shoe boxes to put my daughter’s socks. I also save the cardboard cylinders that came with her ponytail holders, so that I can keep track of her hair accessories.
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