Weekly inspiration: It’s not you, it’s them

I used to spend a lot of time wondering what in the world was wrong with my daughter.

At 2, she’s so bright and talkative, eager to show off all her new skills, from learning her ABCs to reciting her numbers from 1-12. She’s incredibly kind to her brother and always gives us big hugs and kisses when we ask.

But she is so bossy.

Goodness, you’d think she pushed me out her vagina two years ago the way she bosses me around. “Mommy, come here. No, walk this way. Over here. In the kitchen. I’d like some orange juice. Orange juice, please. Mommy!!! I’d like some orange juice!!!!”

I had to wonder if I was doing something wrong, if I was modeling some rude behavior that she was copying.

But then I realized – she’s 2. This is the stage everyone warned me about. It’s  not necessarily anything I’m doing wrong, but it’s just the developmental stage that she’s in. It’s where she learns to exert her independence and she begins to voice her displeasure whenever something doesn’t suit her.

I had to accept the fact that it wasn’t me – it was her. And that has made this “Terrible Two” stage all the more bearable.

Have you had trouble adjusting to your kids different developmental stages? Which age was the worst for you? Which was the best?


  1. I’m sorry to say that three is worse. They go from bossy to defiant. Luckily, they’re cute!

  2. Christy, is sooo right (I was going to say the same thing)!! LOL Glad to know I’m not the only one wondering if I was doing something wrong!

  3. tmpringl says:

    @Christy – Ahh, haven’t quite made it to defiant yet. It’s more like extremely stubborn. I’m actually looking forward to three because my daughter cracks me up on the regular and I can’t wait to see how she is the more she knows.