Say a little prayer for you

Ever since my kids were born, I’ve prayed every single day. Without fail, there’s some communication between me and the big guy. Or is that Big Guy? 

Usually I pray about little things. Please let today be a good day. Please let me know what it is I need to do if something goes wrong. Please let me make it to work on time.

But then sometimes I pray about the big things. Please show me if  I’m doing the right thing by these kids. Please let our marriage stay strong, despite the strains parenthood is placing on it. Please guide us as we try to build a solid financial foundation for our family.

I’ve found that prayer helps me. It helps to release all the stress I’m carrying around, all the problems that I’ve yet found the answers to.

There’s simply too much in my day, too much in my life, too much in my world, for me to feel like I have to tackle it all on my own. Having that invisible net of faith makes me feel like if I slip, I definitely won’t fall.

How has prayer played a part in your life, either before or since you had kids?


  1. Pray should be an important part of everyone’s lives. I pray with my family and for my family. I know that it is important for me to set the spiritual example at home.

  2. Prayer is an important part of our lives because it helps to keep us focused on how continually blessed we are, and how much we’ve overcome. We want our children to now who the BOSS is, and how protected we are, no matter what. Great to know that you keep that connection too.

  3. Prayer is an essential part of our lives. Like the commenter above stated, we have to set the example for our children. I not only pray for my family, but try to pray with them and cover the babies each day.