you make me better

Everyone is posting the obligatory Thanksgiving post outlining what they’re thankful for. I figured I’d put a spin on it, and instead post about how lucky am I to be a mom, and the lessons I’ve learned in the three years since I first earned that title. My kids are my everything and they make me a little wiser each day.

Because of my kids I’ve learned:

1. I can do it. No doubt about it. No matter what “it” is, I can do it.  I was plagued with so much doubt while pregnant with my daughter that I didn’t even enjoy feeling her kick because every day the kicks would get stronger and it would be a constant reminder that I still didn’t have my life together and she was ON.THE.WAY. I look at how far I’ve come in the three years since she’s been born and I marvel at my accomplishments. Three years ago, I brought my daughter home from the hospital to a college DORM. Not family and parent housing, but a DORM. With freshman. With no job.  Now I have my own house and a great job with a great salary. I don’t know how far I would have come without my children there to motivate me.

2. I don’t get to eat when I want to. Before I had kids, I would wake up thinking about dinner. What I was going to eat, how I was going to cook it, what plate I would put it on. I was SERIOUS about my food. Now I can rarely eat dinner without getting heartburn because dinner is so short during the mad period of time between coming home from work and the kids going to bed. But I’ve learned to adjust, because in this simple little realization, the lesson is that it isn’t all about me. In reality, it never has been, but now I know! LOL.

3. Most frustration and stress occurs because of something you can’t control.  I’ve learned to focus on the things that I can do something about. My stress levels have plummeted since realizing this.

4. Giving more love is usually the best answer. At times there is nothing more challenging than loving a 3-year-old. They’re bossy, they talk back, they have OPINIONS up the wazoo. Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself What am I doing wrong How can I help this child? Usually the answer is found within a hug and a request from Mommy to stop the madness, that we’re a family and we work together. Surprisingly, it works at diffusing 95% of the tantrums and near-tantrums.

5. Sometimes crying is okay. For you, not the kids I mean. Sometimes I’ve held things in for a little too long and they come rushing out in the form of a funk that lasts a day or so. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let it flow and take your time coming out of it.

6. Take lots of pictures and video. Man, things happen so fast that if you don’t find some way to record it you will forget all those precious moments that you want to cling to when you are old and gray, and you want your kids to remember after you’re gone.

7. There’s only one life. So make the most of it.

What about you? What have you learned since becoming a mom?


  1. Mrs. CJ aka Cee Cee says:

    I’ve learned that it’s ok to take things slow. Kids slow you down tremendously, and sometimes it makes me miss being able to just get up and go, but they have taught me about patience and taking it slow.

    I have learned that I don’t have to overreact. I am a calm person, but I become frustrated very fast when I cant’ get business taken care of the way I want it and when I want it done. Now that I have two toddlers, I am learning that sometiems it is what it is becasue with kids, you always have a mess to clean, or behavior to correct.

    I’ve learned to focus on how I react to my children’s behavior. It keeps my home calmer and happier. It also translates to the outside world, because I’m learning to be more patient with people on a daily basis.

  2. Since becoming a mom 5 years ago(@18), I am only NOW just starting to realize the actual saying “life is short”. I say this because time goes by so fast and before I knew it, my son started Kindergarten, and my daughter is already 8 months old. So definitely am reminding myself about how this all can fade away in the blink of an eye. Take lots of pics, stuff my face when I can(with more sugar than anything!), showers have to be taken when you want to sleep, make your kids feel special, hug them tight for no reason at all…& just let go of all the extra sugar honey…!! Make it as simple as possible!

  3. I’ve learned more from my four month old than from any of my college professors. I’ve learned that planning and organizing is the key to surviving parenthood, as is patience and love.

    When I was pregnant without a clue I the world of how to be a mom a friend dropped a little golden nugget of knowledge on me: be the kind of mother you always wanted. Whatever that means. If you mom was a great mom like mine then follow her examples and take her advice. If she wasn’t the best she could’ve been then learn from her mistakes.

    I’ve also learned that its ok to make mistakes sometimes. Children are very forgiving and half the time they don’t even know you are doing something wrong. Also, kids are like sponges, so I’ve learned to curb my bad habits. And I take lots of picture cuz these lil ones grow so fast!

    And finally I’ve learned to take a lesson from my four month old and just chill. Enjoy life. Take it easy and let someone else do all the work every once in awhile :)