the four squares money plan

This holiday season did a number on my budget. I mean, just straight killed it. Spent waaaaay more money than I should have and I regret almost every purchase. That’s how bad it was.

So looking forward to 2010, I came up with the “Four Squares” money plan. What does that mean?

It means I’m cutting BACK. I got the name because (bare with me here) I was convinced that we were spending too much money on little things, like toilet paper. Our butts were literally eating toilet paper because every other day we’re replacing a roll. So we’re cutting back. Four squares.

Now, I’m kidding (sort of). But I hope with these little changes I’m making will add up to big savings.

My goal

I would like to have $25K in our joint savings account by the end of 2010. I think our tax return will give us a nice jumpstart, but I want to really challenge myself to see how much we can save.

The four squares plan

Little changes can mean big bucks in the bank. For example:

  • I’m done buying paper towels. We’ll use regular towels and we will like it.
  • My daughter is potty trained. So long $40/a month on diapers and Pull-Ups.
  • We’re drinking more water. I refuse to spend $25 a week on juice.
  • We’re eating less meat. It’s cheaper and healthier for you anyway.
  • We will go to Target/WalMart ONLY once every two weeks. If we don’t have what we need, we will have to find a way to go without. I swear I’ve probably spent $10K in Target this year alone with nothing to show for it.
  • I will bring my calculator with me to the grocery store and add up my purchases as I go. If I reach my grocery limit, something has to get out my cart.
  • I will be obsessive about balancing my checkbook. No overdraft fees for me.
  • I will make meals stretch longer, so dinner on Monday can be lunch on Tuesday and then reimagined into a totally different dinner on Tuesday.

I’m also crunching some numbers and trying to restart my automatic savings again – had to put it on hold for the holidays.

What about you? What are some of your financial goals for 2010? How are you making it happen?


  1. That sounds like a great idea! I hope to save some money this year as well! We as a family have decided to only eat out once every two weeks where we used to eat out 2-3x per week! We are also setting budgets for groceries as you are – and I need to put the boyfriend on the “4 Sheets Rule!” I swear he uses an entire new package of toilet paper before I use 1 roll! I have no idea where it is going!! What the hell?! Haha – anyways! Sounds like you have a great plan in place now the hard part – sticking with it! Good luck! & I hope you reach your goals! :)

  2. Those are some great ways to save money! I think for me the best way for me to save money and be healthier was to work with a meal plan and grocery list…I overspend or eat out when I am not prepared. I think an automatic savings is great. I have tons of different savings funds in ING. It works great for me. I hope you are able to reach your savings goal this year!

  3. Good for you, I’m getting ready to take a pay cut and have been thinking of ways to save money! Alot of what you mentioned is very doable. I wish you the best with your budget.

  4. I’m a huge coupon clipper. And I agree that bringing left overs for lunch saves big time. That’s hard for me because I LOVE fast food. Balancing a checkbook is something I hate, so for the past 5 years I’ve kept an Excel spreadsheet tracking all my spending. This way, at the end of the month or year, I know exactly how much I’ve spent on dining out, gas for my car, groceries and everything else.

  5. Another fabulous list! I’m so excited for you.

    Now me, I feel like I’m still fighting some of the same battles. So not good! I still buy one to many books even though I can get them for free! It’s a patience thing I’m dealing with here. Living as close to Borders Cafe as I do makes this extremely hard. See a great title, must have-like, now! Yes, yes. I think about the purchase first, flipping through the pages, trying very hard to find something wrong with the book so I can put it back on the shelf…with a giant latte in my hand!

    And why do I continue to struggle with this latte factor?!