Ask YML: What To Get For A New Mom?

A buddy of mine is looking for a gift to give her sister, who is due any day now. She wants to get her something that is exclusively for her – baby will get his own separate gift. She asked me to think back to when I had my crew and what I had that really made the difference for me.

Truthfully, I told her, I just remember being really hungry and really tired. Like, I wanted to eat and then promptly pass out. All this diaper changing, feeding, burping, not sleeping, crying (me and baby), feeding, pooping, feeding, bath, not sleeping mess was wearing me out EARLY. I had mastitis probably in week two and three, and all I really wanted have a “back-up mom” on hand to help me take care of this kid.  

So I was no help. Gave a weak recommendation of some comfy pajamas and nice slippers (both of which made me feel pretty in the hospital…and all the nurses knew I had a girl because I was dressed head-to-toe in pink).

So can you help her out? I posted this question on our Facebook page, but feel free to leave your answers here too. What would make a great gift for a new mom? A gift certificate to her favorite restaurant? Some DVDs for the late night breastfeeding sessions? A gift card to her favorite clothing store?  An offer to babysit?

Leave your thoughts in the comments. Hopefully your suggestions will make one mom really happy :)


  1. Absolutely, gift certificates to some of her favorite places to eat. I remember, even though is was a long time ago, that is what meant the most to me. Congrats to her!! :)

  2. Pre- or Post- natal massage and facial. That was the absolute BEST gift I received.

  3. A few things I recieved and appreciated:

    *I was gifted a week of Merry Maids. I loved it because I was so tired. The last thing I wanted to do was clean. This is a nice gift, however it is pretty expensive.

    *Spa day and massage gift card(s).


    *People came over to cook and clean even after the baby was eight weeks.

    *Gift cards to go shopping for new clothes for my newly non-pregnant body.

  4. Ditto on the cleaning service gift card. That’s all I really wanted, help around the house.

  5. The best gift I received was the gift of meals. All of my neighbors came together and brought all kinds of food that I could freeze and then warm up when needed. I had enough stuff to last for at least 2 weeks. By then I had some sort of energy back.

  6. I am SO happy you posted this! I’m one of the childless chicks (lol) but I’m constantly at a loss when deciding what to buy my pregnant friends. Every baby shower I’ve been to, there are always duplicate gifts. I’ve always been a fan of getting a gift for mommy – the baby will get plenty from everyone else. I agree with comfy pj’s and slippers. I even thought about a soothing cd (like nature or ocean sounds) for when mommy is relaxing with baby. Bubble bath stuff I think is always nice too. Can’t wait to see if I feel the same way hubby & I decide to become parents :o)

  7. All great suggestions so far. I had a close friend that gave me a gift of “Me Time Passes”. She created a little booklet of raffle like tickets. Each ticket/pass was good for 4 hrs of MrsTDJ time minus the little person. Of course she was someone that I trusted with my newborn, so I took advantage. I didn’t have the energy to actually go anywhere, so I used all 5 passes at home. She came over and banished me to another floor of the house to sleep without worrying about the baby. I’d awake to a hot meal and a clean house. I loved the time and it was some of the best sleep during the weeks that I was on maternity leave.

  8. My suggestions:
    * a home-cooked meal
    * a big basket full of snacks and a bottle of wine
    * a pair of Majamas nursing pajamas
    * an Anytime Nursing Gown by Bella Materna
    * a nursing shirt by Milkstars
    * maid service
    * sessions with a personal trainer
