10 Things I’m Gonna Do Once My Kids Move Out

First, let me add this disclaimer: I love my kids. I really do. They are the reason I get out of bed every morning, they are the reason my heart beats, they are the reason I breathe.

Okay, got it? I love ‘em. Don’t question it.

That said, there are days when they are running around, screaming, pushing, making messes, that I go to my “happy place” and daydream about the glorious times ahead I’m going to have in 2026, when my youngest hits 18. I’ll be 40 and ready for the new phase in my life.

Yeah, I’ll miss the cuddles, the cute little outfits, the giggling for no reason, the wonder in their eyes when they learn something new, the ability to balance both of them on my hip. I’ll even miss the car seats and strollers and sippy cups, all the baby/kid crap I’ve shelled out thousands for over the past three years. (Although I will NOT miss the daycare bills – at all.)

I’ve given it some thought and here are my 10 things I’m planning to do once I have an empty nest:

1. Get me a tiny car. One that holds like one and a half people. Like one of those Smart cars. Better yet, I’ll just ride my bike everywhere. Kids need me to help them move – I’ll just rent a van.

2. Make nothing but my favorite meals. My husband hates tomatoes. My daughter doesn’t really like meat. My son hates green beans and broccoli. Whenever I’m cooking – which happens to be one of my favorite things to do – I’m always making substitutions and trying to remember who eats what, who’s allergic to what, and how someone likes it prepared. When the kiddos move out, it’s all Tara, all the time. (Yes, my husband will still be there, but he’s pretty laidback as long as food is hot and on the table when he’s hungry.)

3. Take two annual week long vacations. Even if I gotta spend them at home. Without having to worry about babysitters, I figure this should be easier to do.

4. SLEEP!!! I plan on becoming a Master of sleep when my kids hit their teens, but when they move out? Oooh, wee, I’m gonna get my Ph.D in unconscious living!

5. Get some beautiful, non-kid-friendly furnishings. In my house now? Multicolored carpet, stain-resistant couches, several different tablecloths we have to rotate almost daily once they get stained, a broom in every corner, slipcovers on the major furniture. I want my house to look pretty and put together, not like the dwelling of a couple who is trying to ward off complete and utter destruction by two knee-highs.

6. Find me a baby to snuggle whenever I get that “Aww, I miss the baby stage!” feeling. Hopefully my sisters will have popped out a kid or two around this time, so I can get that feeling out my system and have my uterus all to myself at the end of the day. My reproductive system is on LOCKDOWN.

7. Re-rekindle my relationship with my husband. We already started having weekly date nights and our intimacy is on point right now. We’re working it out, even with two little ones clamouring for most of our time and attention during the week. But once the kids get older, I look forward to our relationship deepening and maturing even more. We’ll be at 20+ years of marriage and both will be in our early 40s. What does that mean? I don’t know but I’m excited to find out.

8. Admire our handiwork. With any luck, our kids will be intelligent, kind, self-sufficient people by the time they leave our house. That will come after years of in-your-face parenting, correcting little mistakes and pointing out the lessons in the big mistakes. I’d like to think my husband and I can give each other a big high five and say “Great job! We rock!”

9.Shh. You hear that? It’s called “quiet.” And I’m gonna enjoy every second of it.

10. Cry. Yup, I’ll probably be a wreck when they leave. It will take me a little bit of time to figure out how to adjust, but I’ll be real. I know I’m gonna miss my babies. Even if they’re not babies anymore.

I know you’ve thought about it – what are planning to do when your babies grow up and move out?


  1. who are you kidding lol u will not get more sleep when they are teenagers. u will most certainly get far less for reasons like loud music, friends visiting and curfews to name a few..lol

    when my daughter becomes independent i plan to travel abroad and dedicate my time to projects that help those who are needy. travel in general is what im looking forward to. serious ME time!

  2. Whew… I thought I was the only one that mused about my life after my kids go to college – and one isnt even born yet. I may steal this and write my own list on my blog lol. On a day like this – when I am at work with one eye open, a pain in my abdomen from round ligament pain and a pain in my arm from where my son slept all night (after invading me and hubby’s bed at 3am!!!), I really love reading this list.

  3. Tara, It’s going to feel so good to have a car that doesn’t have stale Cheerios, school art projects and Hot Wheels in the back seat.

    I promise that I will walk around the house naked every single day. I love being naked when at home and I haven’t been able to do it since I was pregnantwith baby #1.

    I will be buying myself something new to wear every single week. That cute dress at Macy’s? Mine. That coach bag at the mall? Mine. The left over money from my paychecks? Mine.

  4. i’m moving to mexico and leaving no return address. i’ll block my calls when i phone them. i’ll blindfold them when i pick them up from the airport, so that they can’t find me again once they leave.
    hey, it’s nice to dream.
    my kids begin the college phase in 4 years. 4 years! 2 of the 5 leave. then the next 2 leave over the next 2 years. the last one will be home for a few more years.
    but i can’t say that i’m NOT looking exceptionally forward to being an empty nester.

  5. Girl I’m leaving the country for 2 weeks…and then leaving the state and just travel. If you need me email/or text me ROFL.

    I’ll be 42 when my youngest turns 18…still young and able to move around baby.