I have to say I was moved to tears yesterday reading your comments about my big news.
It’s very difficult for me to write this blog as just…well, me. As one person. As ONE young mother.
It’s hard to express how much I rely on you all. Without you, this blog is just a screen with words. A pretty screen, but it doesn’t mean anything. I want to not only tell MY stories, but YOUR stories as well, because it isn’t really about me. I use my experiences to make points about the larger view of young motherhood. But without your comments or tweets or Facebook comments, it’s all rather pointless. If I write a post and no one comments, I don’t think, “Aww, man, no one thinks I’m great.” Instead I’m kicking myself, thinking, “Man, that didn’t resonate with anyone. Try harder.”
Same thing with the book. I could’ve written about my experiences as a young mom and tried to pitch it to major publishers that way. But I realized that your stories add value. Add substance. Add experiences that I’ve never had, and it makes a much richer view of the young mommy experience.
So again, I’d like to say THANK YOU to all the readers who make this blog what it is. 2010 is shaping up to be a great year and I want you to own a piece of that. It’s all thanks to you.
So exciting!