I think I’m more excited about the DVD release of the Princess and the Frog than I was when the movie hit theatres. And you all remember how pumped I was.
But the DVD is much cooler because I can keep it – hold it – play it over and over again.
And now so can you.
I am giving away THREE copies of the Princess and the Frog DVD for you to enjoy with your little ones again and again.
In addition to the movie (which is fabulous just on its own) there are bonus features, including deleted scenes and audio commentary by John Musker and Ron Clements (co-writers and directors) and Peter Del Vecho (producer). There’s also Ne-Yo’s “Never Knew I Needed”music video, and a bayou-style quiz that tests your knowledge of all of
Disney’s beautiful princesses. I’m all in.
If you know me, I like to keep my giveaways simple. A lot of people use giveaways as an opportunity to build their numbers on their social networks, giving them special tweets to send out on Twitter, and a certain number of comments they’re allowed daily.
I don’t really like that, if only because I’m lazy. I don’t have to time to go back and see who’s a fan and who’s not following me on Twitter and who commented four times. Enough already!
(If you’d like to follow me on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook, feel free, but you do not need to do so for the purposes of this giveaway.)
To enter:
Leave a comment saying what is your favorite Disney movie. Always interesting to see what people pick. {Mine is a tie between The Lion King and (duh!) The Princess and the Frog.} The giveaway ends Monday, March 15. DVDs hit stores on March 16th, so winners will receive their DVDs the following week.
Good luck!
Disney has such great movies. I could literally just watch all Disney movies for the rest of my life and be happy. But, if I had to choose my very favorite one, I would hands down choose Beauty and the Beast. It is just so heart warming and the music is so magical. I get lost in it every time I watch it.
Ooh. I wanted to see this but I never got a chance to!
My favorite Disney movie would be between Alice in Wonderland, Anastasia or Beauty and the Beast!
What an interesting question – favourite Disney movie eh? It’s so hard. For me, it has to be between Mary Poppins and the Jungle Book. Ok, it’s Mary Poppins…
As a child, we loved Disney movies, but couldn’t afford the whole VHS collection like our cousins (sniff sniff). So one day, when Mary Poppins came on TV, we recorded it! Adverts and all! lol This was the beginning of bootleg movies I tell you!
I have such lovely memories of watching it, being amazed at how a nanny could fly, even wishing that animals would sing to me! Her bottomless bag has been an inspiration to me since I was a girl and I am known for cramming a whole load of stuff into a tiny suitcase.
I also love the songs…’a spoon full of sugar’…’feed the birds’…and have taught these to my scrumptious little girl! I think she’ll struggle with ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ – heck I still struggle! : )
I love Disney movies, they’re the ultimate in feel good factor and I can’t wait (when I have a few extra pounds to spare, that is) to buy the entire collection for our family!!!
Winning this DVD would start our collection and what better way to inspire our little princess that showing her a princess that resembles her!
Rock on the Princess and the Frog.
Also, can I just say, I am SO pleased that I stumbled across this blog yesterday. I feel so blessed to be commenting and ‘contributing’ to the save your marriage initiative! Go you! xxx
My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.
Thank you for the giveaway!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
My favorite Disney movie is “The Little Mermaid.” I just love Ariel, love the plot, and love the entire soundtrack. I have yet to see The Princess and the Frog (just wasnt able to find time to make it out to the theatre with the baby), so uber excited for its DVD release!!!
Twitter and FB follower.
My favorite Disney movie had to be Beauty and the beast. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
It’s so hard to choose! I love The Incredibles, both Toys Story movies, Mulan and The Princess and The Frog. But I guess if I had to pick one movie it would be UP.
Since I was a little girl, my favorite Disney movie has been Aladdin. It’s just so magical and beautiful. Also, my husband put the song, “A Whole New World” on the CD he made when he proposed to me, so that makes the movie all the more special for me.
I grew up watching all of the Disney movies. My hands down favorite would have to be The Little Mermaid. I can still watch it today. Now that I have a little girl of my own we always watch these movies together. She loves them as much as I do. I was beyond excited when The Princess and The Frog came out! It was real and fantastic.
Favorite Disney movie? 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, hands down! When I was 3, my mom made me a Snow White costume for Halloween (and if you know my mom, you know that’s quite a feat!) I still have it to this day and I am hoping to pass it down one of these days. My mom even tears up everytime she sees “Snow” (as we like to call her).
I recently discovered my new favorite Disney movie about two months ago when I was watching the Family channel with the munchkin. It’s “Meet the Robinsons.”
It’s such a great movie with a deep meaning. It’s about a young boy growing up in an orphanage who hasn’t been adopted and believes that nobody wants him, so he invents a machine that would show him a visual image of the night that his mother took him to the orphanage in hopes of finding her. I don’t want to give away the story but he eventually learns that in life, your past doesn’t matter as much as your future and to keep moving forward regardless of setbacks.
If you haven’t seen it you should definitely check it out!
@Erica – You know I had no interest in seeing that movie until you just described it. Off to Netflix I go! Sounds like a great movie!
Mine will always and forever be Bambi!
There are SO many to choose from! I guess I’m dating myself a little, but my favorites are the Muppets Christmas Carol, the Apple Dumpling Gang and the sequel the ADG Rides Again, the Heavyweights, 101 Dalmations, Oliver and Company, and the Mighty Ducks.
Wow, What an awesome giveaway! I would probably have to say that my favorite is Cinderella and Mulan. I have been super excited about The Princess and The Frog because we have had so many other Disney princesses of other races and it’s refreshing to be able to share one with my little one that looks just like her!
Hey, Tara.
Ok, the girly-girl in me says The Little Mermaid. I love Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian. But the less girly-girl part of me says Pirates of the Carribean.
i love bambi …thats the first disney movie i remember seeing as a child…and then princess ad the frog…i feel that now i have my daughter thats its great that she can look on tav and see some1 that looks like her from her hair to her true skin colour.
The Little Mermaid was always my favorite. I don’t know if it was her awesome red hair or that hunky Prince Eric, but I had all the dolls and toys.
Up until the Princess and the Frog came out, my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid. I always thought the movie did a good job of showing a healthy father-daughter relationship. I also loved the songs “Part of That World” and “Under the Sea.” I still love the Little Mermaid, but now, I would say it is a tie between that movie and the Princess and the Frog. What could be better than a black princess who is smart, determined and beautiful?
Oh man! Thats a hard one! I think Little Mermaid is my favorite! My 2 year old would love this DVD! Thanks!!
So hard to pick, but I’d say either Beauty and the Beast or Mulan.
marfmom at gmail dot com
My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid!
We love Tarzan at our house. My 2 1/2 yr old loves the monkeys, while my 10 month old loves the songs. It’s a big hit. (We skip the scary parts).
I {love} 2! I love Aladdin. I love everything about the movie. WHen I was younger I had everything I could get my hands on for the movie. I also love The Beauty & The Beast. I love the story it tells and the moral behind it. There was a point I knew the movie by heart and could speak the lines of every character lol!
My favorite Disney movie has always been The Little Mermaid…but I think Princess and the Frog took that spot. I am so happy that in the movie Tiana shows the girls that they need to work for what they want in life. I think it’s a good thing to teach them!
Favorite Disney would have to be DUMBO! The scene where he goes to see his mother and she’s locked in the cage and she holds him while the music plays “Baby Of Mine” and shows all the other baby animals with their Mothers… I still cry when we watch that!
My daughter however, likes ALL the Disney princesses and she can name them all!! I’m soooooo tired of watching Aladdin and Snow White…………….
But I guess “Princess/Frog” holds a special place with my daughter and may be her favorite because her and Daddy got all dressed up and went to see it at the Movie Theater and she LOVES hangin’ with Daddy! Hope she wins!!
My favorite Disney movie is The Lion King! It was the 2nd movie I ever got (VHS) and just fell in love with it. I memorized all the scenes, all the lines, etc. In fact, I think I’ll watch it today
It’s such a timeless and classic movie that you can watch over and over again without ever getting sick of it.
Hmmm…I would have to say Beauty and the Beast. It’s always been one of my favorites for some reason.
Sooooo lucky you get to give these away! I hope I win it’s the ONLY Disney classic I have yet to collect… Cause it’s not out yet! I just got Wall-E and Up.. Just need this! Oh yea, and Bolt.
My FAVORITE Disney movie is The Lion King. Princess and the Frog made my top 10 though
@FutureMama – I think I’m the only person who didn’t like Wall-E. *ducking tomatoes* Not that it was a bad movie, it just wasn’t my favorite. I liked UP a lot, even though I thought it was very mature (in a good way). The Lion King was awesome. I have the 10th anniversary collector’s edition and it’s sooooo good every time I watch. I still laugh at the funny parts.
favorite disney movie would have to be toy story, when i was younger i use to watch the movie and wonder if my toys could really talk………lol….
I pretty much like them all, but if I had to pick I would have to say The AristoCats, Lady & the Tramp & The Lion King.
My favorite disney movie, besides princess and the frog, would deffinantly be Beauty and the Beast. (it will actually be my wedding theme)
I love Beauty and the Beast…..love it!!