Apology to my single, childless friends…

As I’m sitting here, counting down the days until we get both of our kids into kindergarten and we can quit paying these outrageous daycare bills,  I find myself getting a little envious of my childless friends.

My husband and I make a pretty decent living but damn it if it doesn’t get eaten up the second it hits our bank account. Medical bills, car insurance, water, electricity, gas, car notes, MORTGAGE, groceries, household stuff, diapers – all that adds up.

I find myself silently judging my friends when they post their party pictures on Facebook, wearing cute new outfits they bought especially for the club that night, cute dresses and sexy heels. I hate when they update Twitter with statuses like, “Heading to the mall, be back later!” or “Getting on the plane for Florida! See you in a week!”


Yeah, I’m jealous. When in the heck am I going to have some money I can just SPEND and not obsess that I won’t have enough to buy a pack of diapers? When will I be able to buy some new clothes, or finally get curtains for my bedroom windows?

And yes, I can hear everyone now: “But you have two wonderful kids…would you trade it all to have more money in your bank account?”

No, I wouldn’t. But can’t I just admit that being broke sucks? Even if I do have two little ones at home to make me smile.


  1. Trust me sweetie! you are not alone… most of my closest friends dont have kids… I had my first one right after i turned 20… I wouldnt trade them for the world.. but a lil bit more money to go along with them woulda been nice…
    really.. instead of pulling the “afterbirth” out after giving birth… they need to pull out a winning lottery ticket!

    Happy Hump Day… :-)

  2. ProudAuntieof2 says:

    YAY! Finally a post for me! LOL but I do understand where you’re coming from because being your sister, you used to gripe to me all the time about this.

    However, if it makes you feel any better sis, you know I’M not keekeeing it up in Florida for a week and spending recklessly (all the time, anyway hehe). Single, married, mommy or childless, being broke is NEVER fun.

    You have a good solid secure stable life, with a loving husband and two fabulously adorable kids, and I’d love to have that. Remember, the grass isn’t always greener over that fence.

    • @ProudAuntieof2 – I’m not wishing the grass be greener. I’m asking for my bank account to be a little higher. LOL.

  3. Hey Tara!

    Don’t be jealous. Trust. (LOL). I mean, it is nice sometimes to be able to just pick up and go…if you have money. I don’t have any kids (I’m envious of you…still waiting for my future husband and kids), but I still have no money. Same stuff as you: mortgage, other bills, student loans, and dog stuff…not as much as baby stuff, but I’m still broke. LOL.

    I know you know how blessed you are…but we all need to vent sometimes. Remember though, the grass isn’t always greener. :) Can’t wait to read your book when it comes out!

  4. I know what you mean! OMg, when I think back to the days when I was that frivolous with money (ie, $120 for a shirt from Bebe, just because it was cute) I can only shake my head and laugh. My how things change. But not only do I not have the extra cash for that type of shopping, when I do have extra I’m only interested in buying cute new things for my son! It seems with a change in family/budgeting, also comes a change in mentality/priorities. I dont actually think i want to return to “that girl” again. I enjoyed that lifestyle while I had it, but this one is cool too! :-)

  5. Love this post! I’m just sayin’ …

    Winks & Smiles,

  6. Great Post….I too can relate. Your feelings are completely understandable!

  7. I say we all have a right to bitch and moan about our situations. As someone who is dying for a child I want to remind you how blessed you are….BUT….we should all be able to vent about whatever we want:) So vent away! I can imagine how frustrating it is!

  8. Ms. Prince says:

    While most of my friends are buying new cars and taking trips, I on the other hand have to pay $248 a wk in daycare fees. I really don’t remember the days of just spending away because I had my first son my sophomore year in college. But I do understand your frustration! What does help me is doing something for me at least once a month. I treat myself to a pedicure, and a movie by myself just to say I’ve actually done something for me. Going to the mall is not an option because I always end up at the Children’s Place buying clothes for the boys.

  9. Girl, Girl, Girl!!!! I know exactly what you mean. It’s so funny because my married with kids girlfriends have this discussion all the time. I always think if the economy was better, perhaps I wouldn’t have to cry and complain about not having ANY money left after gas, water, electric, car, and the like eat it up. When I really get frustrated about it, I try and tell myself it won’t be this way always. My mother makes me feel better when she reminds me her and my dad went through the same things when we were young.

  10. I so know how you feel! I remember the jetset days pre-children. I went to the mall all the time (not just to wear out toddlers – to actually BUY stuff), travelled all over, hung out, etc. I try to keep my perspective about it by remembering that this too shall pass (I can’t STAY broke, right?)and my children will be grown up all too fast.
    @ Ms Prince- I can’t stay out of that store either. It is like mommy crack…

    • @Cheryl – LOL @ “I can’t STAY broke” – I tell that to myself just to get me through the days. Right now we’re just counting down to kindergarten…

  11. I definitely understand!! I had just graduated from college and gotten a “real” job when I got pregnant so I never had the chance to experience what it’s like to have “extra” money. *sigh* I too am looking forward to the day when I have the option of spending more frivolously. :)