Hi ladies!
I thought I’d start off your week with a giveaway – just in time for Mother’s Day. You all seemed to love the last giveaway I did with Cafepress so I’m bringing you another one. I only wish everyone could win! You might remember from the last giveaway that you can find millions of personalized gifts at CafePress – seriously. If you can think of it, you can find it. And if you can’t find it, you can design it yourself.
Cafepress is offering a lucky reader a chance to win a special keepsake box, a cute little place to keep some of your favorite items.
I’ve got my eye on this one, for obvious reasons:
To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment saying what your favorite Mother’s Day gift has been so far (maybe you’ll give someone else an idea of what to get for their mom *smile*) . Winner is announced Tuesday at 5 p.m. Good luck!
UPDATE: Lisa is the winner! I will contact you to get your mailing address! Congrats!
The best mothers day i gave my mom (because my kiddos are babies but my hubby tries) was delivered roses that had a certificate for a Whole day at the spa with massages and a Makeover then we all surprised her when she got home with a home cooked meal and a mariachi that played all her favorite songs… there were endless tears of happiness she felt like a queen for a day!
I loved that day
My babies are 2 and 4, so the best things they’ve given me thus far is baby hugs and sloppy kisses; the best Mothers Day gift that I got from my hubby was a nice kid-free dinner at Denny’s (our little “spot”; we love that place.) Denny’s is special for us because we’ve been together since I was 19; back then we would hang out at Denny’s after leaving a club with all our friends. We would order fries and burgers and talk (loudly) all night (Denny’s is, or at least used to be, 24 hours).
Now in our thirties and forties, we go and sit down, just us, for a breakfast-for-dinner at around 8ish like the responsible adults that we’ve become. But it’s still fun for me.
So, yeah: that Mother’s Day was nice.
My fave mother’s day gift was my Citrus necklace that had my daughters name and birthdate hand stamped on it. LOVE IT!
My baby is 7 and 2. Every year my boys try to romance mommy, like the little gentleman I want them to be. They always hear me talking about flowers so my oldest son (with help) bought me a dozen roses with a card that he signed and signed for his little brother. Kisses and hugs!!! My boys get me everytime…I’m a sucka for flowers.
Last year I received a Massage Envy gift card from my fiance. Talk about fab! I ended up buying a membership and now I treat myself to a massage every month.
My favorite Mother’s Day gift was my college graduation! I graduated two years ago on Mother’s Day with my 4-month-old baby in my arms. He brought me the gift of motivation to finish my degree and perfectly timed his arrival to allow me to go back for my last semester.
Thank you SOOO MUCH!!!