I used to read at least two to three books a week before I had kids. I used to dream about having bookshelves full of books in my house, with soft, comfy chairs to sit in and read, sipping my tea as I turned the pages.
Now if I want to read one of my books I have to go digging through one of the dusty crates I have in the bedroom closet. Motherhood has really left me with no time (or energy!) to read. How ridiculous is that? No energy to READ?
I’ve been meaning to do a post about new books that are worth reading when you find yourself with a little downtime. It’s long overdue, but here’s what I’ve come across lately that are really good reads:
The Mominatrix’s Guide to Sex: A No-Surrender Advice Book for Naughty Moms by Kristen Chase
I’m a big fan of Kristen’s blog, Motherhood Uncensored, because hers was one of the first ones I stumbled on after having my daughter that I could relate to. Her quest to find a wedding dress she could breastfeed in? Hello! That’s so my life!
So when she came out with this book I knew I had to pick up a copy. She’s a work-at-home mom who managed to pump out a book, daily updates on her blog and other websites, all while taking care of her three little ones while her pilot husband has extended leaves for work. Oh, and she found time to lose about 40 pounds by becoming a Shredhead. She’s pretty motivating.
I love this book because it is full of info that I would’ve never thought of. For instance, thinking about buying a sex wedge? Just use your Boppy. (Once the kid is done using it, of course.) Who knew that $40 for a breastfeeding pillow would spice up your sex life? Pick up a copy and go from a “good mom” to a “naughty mom.” {NOTE: Birth control not included.}
Shift Your Habit: Easy Ways to Save Money, Simplify Your Life, and Save the Planet by Elizabeth Rogers
This book does pretty much what the title suggests. Save money. Save the planet. It has a special section for home, food, kids, pets, work, electronics, health and beauty, transportation and holidays.
I found that I do a lot of the tips in the book already (buying in bulk, quit buying bottled water, etc.) because I’m cheap. But some tips were pretty useful – like the recipe for homemade Play-Doh. You know how many tubs of Play-Doh I’ve bought over the years and I could’ve just mixed some flour, water, cream of tartar and food coloring? Ugh, indeed.
Mommy Prayers: Help for the Missing Binkie, the Late Preschool Pickup, the Birthday Party from Hell, and Other Everyday Absurdities by Tracy Mayor
Can I just say how hard I laughed out loud with this book? It says this book is geared toward young moms, but it’s really geared toward new moms. I’m not sure how much of it I can quote, but take this prayer for example:
Prayer for My Five-Minute Nap
- Dear God, I cannot go on. It is four in the afternoon…and I have hours and hours to go before I manage to get to bed. I am quite certain I could crash to the floor this instant and sleep like a rock for a week. Please, can I have just five minutes to pass out? Please let my chattering little monkey not notice that her mother is gone. Please let her be oblivious as I quietly lose consciousness…
Not actual prayers, but “prayers” we moms sometimes have to make that would sound ridiculous coming from anyone else. I highly recommend this book if you’d like a quick laugh or to be reminded that no, it’s not just you, honey.
What books have you read lately that you would recommend? Leave a link in the comments if you can.
Hey, thanks for the great review! It’s an honor to see Mommy Prayers reviewed next to a book about hot sex.
I just yesterday started reading Karen Maezen Miller’s Hand Wash Cold, but you younger moms might like her other one, Momma Zen.
@Tracy – I wrote the Mominatrix book review first, then I started to write yours and I said, “Hmmm….maybe I need to have a transition from hot sex to mommy prayers.” LOL. Thanks for writing an awesome book. It was so funny and so relatable – universal to every mom of a toddler. Thanks for the recommendation as well – I’ll have to check it out.
Ha ha! I freaking LOVE that prayers! Sounds like she was channeling every mother I know. I will definitely be picking it up. My book club recently read, “A Reliable Wife” by Robert Goolrick (fiction), which I enjoyed.
Reading is very important to me, I read every night after my little guy goes to bed. Sometimes not sleeping much, because I’m too into my book. The last book I finished was The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton. I’m definitely going to find the Mommy Prayers, it looks great! Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve always loved the Girlfriends Guides to Pregnancy, Toddlerhood…etc. Those are always great to read.
In the mommy genre, a funny quick read was Jenny McCarthy’s Belly Laughs.
@ Katie – R.I.P. Michael Crichton, I have read every book he published. (we are sisters, in my mind…)
I think I have a boppy in a closet somewhere.
Totally checking Kindle for these books. I love the instant gratification of this thing. (if not, Barnes and Nobles delivers same day in NYC – gotta love the city!)
Thanks so much for including me in this lovely round-up, YM!
I was recently sent “The Hot Mom to Be Handbook” by Jessica Denay for a review (it’ll be up on my blog soon!). I imagine it’s probably similar to the “Belly Laughs” book. I’ve only had it for a day but I cannot put it down and I seriously Laugh-Out-Loud when reading it. I’ve been through pregnancy/motherhood before so I know generally what to expect this time around but I love that this book talks about real life (being pregnant, a mom, wife, sex, choosing doctors, buying baby things, etc) in real way that books like “What to Expect” doesn’t capture. It even has a space to journal/answer questions each month and a TON of links to great products and discounts!
Loving it so far!
@Cheryl – Michael Crichton was amazing. And I love my Kindle too!! It was my Christmas present the year before last. I use it every day.
Thanks for the list, Tara. I’ve been looking for some new books to read. I used find time to read 1 or 2 books every month. I don’t know how I did it with school work, two kids, a husband, part-time work, a hobby, and taking care of the house, but I do some how find time. I haven’t read a book in a whole month, though.