Shutting Down The Baby Factory

Every time someone asks me when I’m having another kid, I want to scream. I.AM.DONE. So help me, God, and this nifty little IUD. I don’t want any more kids. Period.

Oh sure, sometimes I get a little weak and think, “Another kid would be nice…” But then I snap out of it and I realize that I am in a very, very good position right now. I am done with my babymaking years before many (most?) women even start.

And if I have another kid? That means STARTING ALL OVER. Oh NO! Back to the 2 a.m. feedings, the well-baby visits every friggin’ month, the engorged boobs, the push to lose the baby weight again, the adjustment to a new baby in the house, more money added to the diaper bill, etc.

I know what some of you are thinking, “But babies are blessings! They are beautiful little images of ourselves!” Well, I have two little blessings that look just like their daddy so I’m covered there.

I love the kids I already have. One boy, one girl, both crazy, both funny and silly and they fill my heart.

I’m also the World’s Least Patient Mother (I’ve held the crown three years in a row, thankyouverymuch), and with one more kid I might push myself into the Hall of Fame. I want to be a fun mom, a mom who isn’t always stressed about bills and bedtimes and how is kid #1 getting to daycare when kid #2 has a dentist’s appointment.

Two kids is what I can handle. I’ve accepted that. Moving on!

Who else has shut down the baby factory? Is there anything that could change your mind?


  1. I agree. Although I love love children, two is all I can handle. I have a boy and a girl.I thought I wanted 4 but my body just can’t take another c-section. I’ve done my part and pro-created twice. I’m good.

  2. I’m undecided…I’d honestly love to have another child, but I don’t know that my body can carry a pregnancy to term, and I couldn’t knowingly put another child through a terrible NICU experience. I also don’t feel like it would be fair to my son, if I were to bring another baby home. I feel like he deserves all my attention always. If I never have another child, I’ll be happy, because I already was given the best gift ever in the form of my little boy.

  3. MrsDeveter says:

    I’m right there with you Tara! I am the proud mommy of three; a 5 year old and a set of twins. I have the perfect amount of children for me. So going back is not an option. Needless to say just like Leah having another c-section is totally out of the question. I support anyone who wants more and pray for their patience and financial well being but more kids for me is a “no thank you” all day! With my luck I would end up with triplet boys!!!!!

  4. I always joke that the baby factory is shut down. I only have one, and get sick and tired of hearing that he needs a playmate. Ugh…NO. My child plays fine all by himself. But I do have some days where I do want another kid. I just don’t want the every 2-hour feeding, poopy diapers, spit-up and anything else baby related.

  5. Mmmm, I am on the fence on this one. Some days I am sure that there is no way on God’s green earth I would have any more kids. Then there are days when I look at my youngest and realize that she is passing thru a stage I will never see again. Having another baby is out of the question at the moment – no time, no space, no way my husband would go for it… But, I still have to say maybe.

  6. LOL! I love this post! And its great to know what you want! Many people aren’t as clear as you are. My daughter is about to be 5 and even though I never imagined even having a child, I figured if I did have kids they would be close in age..maybe 3 years apart. But my daughter is getting older, and part of me doesn’t want to have to go through this all over again, but with the right partner, I would totally love to be a family and have another child. I have not shut down the baby making machine, but would be ok if I did not have another baby.
    .-= Alexandra´s last blog ..Back at itAGAIN! =-.

  7. I feel the same way. I have one of each sex, and that is enough. Two kids is more than enough for me. My husband wants more, but there is no way I’ll be popping out another child.
    .-= Mrs. CJ´s last blog ..Recalling my Days of Postpartum Depression =-.

  8. I’m glad that you can recognize that you’re done, know what you want, and are sticking to your guns! That’s step #1. So good for you.

    If I am married, I could have another one… if I do so before the age of 32. SO if I find myself at the age of 31 and not preggo, then I’m totally happy with my 1 boy! Totally! haha. I just don’t want to have to start all over again 15 years from now when I should be thinking about Aiden gowing off to college and me getting my life back… HAHA. Just joking (sort of…)
    .-= alicia´s last blog ..Refuelling- Regaining Energy- and A Renewed Perspective =-.

  9. Well, I only have one. And talk about a heated debate. People always have something to say about the “right” number of kids. I’m with you. Motherhood is hard. My son is 3 now. I’m starting to remember my life again. I’d love to want to have more but right now I don’t. I wrote about it here and it’s still one of my more popular posts.
    .-= Fadra´s last blog ..Confessions of a Blog Conference Attendee =-.

  10. Well, I only have one. And talk about a heated debate. People always have something to say about the “right” number of kids. I’m with you. Motherhood is hard. My son is 3 now. I’m starting to remember my life again. I’d love to want to have more but right now I don’t. I wrote about it here and it’s still one of my more popular posts.

  11. I’m 24 and as you put it I am done before most people have even begun. DONE! I know I don’t need to emphasize here, I can tell just by putting “DONE” you completely understand exactly what I mean. “I love the kids I already have. One boy, one girl, both crazy, both funny and silly and they fill my heart.” <—that is exactly how I feel! "Two kids is what I can handle. I’ve accepted that. Moving on!"<—describes my perfectly.

  12. I am pretty certain that I will not be hg aving any more children. The only thing thatcould change my mind is becomin married. My husband would probably want another kid and that would be fine by me. My dd is three and I probably wont be getting married for years.