Me and my little man

My darling son, God bless his heart, is in the midst of what I call the “Boy, you better get right” stage. He’s quit using any of the manners we’ve instilled in him thus far and every.single.thing that comes out of his mouth is a command.

“I want more juice!”

“Gimme that!”


“Get out of my room!”

It is all I can do not to toss his little butt in his crib, close the door and go take a drink long bath.

I understand this is a developmental stage. He’s 2. It’s going to happen.

But that doesn’t really make it any easier to deal with. He’s stubborn as all get out and I swear I just went through this with his sister, who’s almost 4.

But I’ve found, in my young mommy wisdom, that one of the best things I can do when he gets into one of these “moods” is to get down on his level, motion him over and hug him. Hard. Tight. Whisper in his ear that I love him. Kiss his fat little cheeks, even as he’s wiggling and laughing, trying to get free, and I tell him that I am so happy I’m his mother.

What’s even more joyous is that I mean it. Even when he’s being “difficult” or forgets how to say, “Please” and “Thank you,” I love him all the same.

So keep on throwing those tantrums, little boy. I got a whole lotta lovin’ here waiting for ya.


  1. This is definitely the answer, Tara! I have found that the same is true with my 2-year-old. He just needs reassurance and a quick moment of undivided attention to snap out of it.

    Good luck getting through the rest of this stage.
    .-= Chelsea´s last blog .. =-.

  2. I know what you are going through. Thankfully it has gotten so much better as William matures but some days I thought I was going to lose it! Sounds like you have a handle on things and of course he will grow out of it. Sad when I look at my teenagers and think in a few short years they will be off to college. They sure do grow up fast!
    .-= Sheliza´s last blog ..Its not just a hat =-.

  3. I LOVE this! This is awesome… something that I hate to admit but I have only tried it a couple of times. In my house, it usually goes like this:
    Aiden: Mommy, I want apple juice.
    Me: Aiden, is there a more polite way to ask?
    Aiden: May I have apple juice, please?
    Me: No problem.

    But now I’m gonna use this too! Hey, you live and learn, right?
    .-= Alicia @Mommy Delicious´s last blog ..Fashion- Fun- and Beauty with Momtrends =-.

    • @Alicia – I usually use the “How do you ask Mommy for something?” bit too. But when he’s stomping his feet and telling me, “No,” because, well, he’s 2, I hug all the crankiness out of him. He usually laughs and straightens up. :)