Best of 2010 – YML Style, Part 2

Today we’re continuing with the look back at the top posts on the Young Mommy Life for 2010. Missed a post? Want to read it again? The best posts are all right here for ya.


I might be biased but this might be my favorite months of posts. Looking through the archives I’m getting a little excited. Alright on to my faves:

I had my very first therapy session EVER this month and I was sooo pleased with how it turned out. I also used my brand-new motto (“I’m doing the best I can right now”) to alleviate stress and believe me, it’s still working.

I also wrote about the sacrifices young moms make by having kids so young. I was also confessing stuff all over the place, like my post about being jealous of 30something moms (one of my highest-commented posts ever) and another about wanting to be selfish, just once in my life.


I can admit August was a so-so month. Yeah, I wrote some good posts (like this one about me shutting down the baby factory) but I realize I did a lot of giveaways, guest posts and filler posts. Eh, must have been going through something. *shrug*

Oh, wait! Here’s a few decent ones: I wrote about avoiding my stress triggers (works better some days than others) and helping a mom accept her single mom status. As a bonus – here’s a look back at my love letter to my son on his second birthday.


This is the month I started grad school, thanks in part to this blog and the experiences that have sprung from it. As always, you guys showed up in huge numbers as I wrote about how nervous I was. I still appreciate that!

I also wrote one of my fave posts on the real causes of unplanned pregnancy (as someone who has had TWO unplanned pregnancies, I think I qualify as something of an expert on the subject). I also spent some time sitting in a closet. (You understand, don’t you?)


I embarrassed myself by revealing how much I read into the TV shows my kids watch. (You know you have questions about Dora, too. If you read the post, please read the comments too – you guys are HILARIOUS!)

I decided to dedicate a week of posts to the topic of coparenting. A lot of moms can use some tips and advice (and heck, just knowing others moms are going through it, too)

I wrote a bunch of posts about Teen Mom this month (always a good topic for blog posts, I find) and you all were very opinionated in your views on the moms of this show.


Well. November was the month I got laid off. Yipee. I wrote about that rollercoaster ride here. (I’m optimistic but man, it still sucks.)

I also wrote about hugging the crankiness out of my two-year-old, which honestly, I’m surprised works as well as it does. And I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t take the time to thank you all for coming on this ride with me and making every blog post worthwhile.


Adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom is crazy tough and the number one reason? You ARE the childcare. Sounds simple, but man, I had no idea.

In the midst of the craziness that is my life, I can finally, finally write that I am a damn good mother. Oh.Yes. What a perfect way to end 2010. All smiles.

So there you have it. It took two days and countless links (hope it wasn’t overwhelming) but there is 2010, Young Mommy Life style.

Tell me – what was your favorite post? What would you like to see more of? Interviews? Video? How-to? Recipes? Let the suggestions begin….NOW! :)


  1. I definitely read everyone of these posts. Wow. This year has been really amazing for the YML community. Up and down and all around for you, but in general, really, really good. I really like when you do “YML spotlights.” Interviews would also be so dope. I really CAN NOT WAIT to see what’s in store for The YML in 2011… and beyond. (A little Buzz Lightyear for ya!)
    .-= Alicia @Mommy Delicious´s last blog ..Sometimes Saying No Means I Love You =-.

    • @Alicia – Yay for frequent readers! :) I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store for us young moms for sure. I’m ready for a HUGE year!

  2. I’ve read every one of thesse posts, too. Its been quite a year, hasn’t it Tara? I think 2011 is going to be even bigger and better, I really do. Here’s to a great year!

    • @Katie – Thank YOU for being along for the whole ride! You’ve been a loyal reader since FOREVER. LOL. I’m so happy we “met” and are now friends. What did people do before the Internet, I wonder? :)

      • Tara, I’m thrilled to have been along for the ride since…well, a long time now. I have no idea what people did before the internet, lol! Stumbling across this blog was one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I’m so happy we are friends! :)

  3. Love all your blog posts dear. Especially the blessings in disguise. Because guess what? Life is what you make of it.

    Would love to share my story here someday too. I’m 24 as well, but I love my life as a young mommy, its so refreshing.
