Send help. Please

Over the past year or so, I realized I was in trouble.

Of all my daughter’s character traits, the one is most prominent is how literal she is.

Me: “Ayanna, take off your pants and put on your pajamas.”

Ayanna: “Mommy, these aren’t pants; these are jeans. Those aren’t pajamas; those are clothes that are too small for me to wear outside so now I wear them to bed.”

Me: “?????”

I’m dead serious. Girlfriend is going to be a Supreme Court justice. She argues the facts and she is rarely ever wrong. What am I going to do when she’s older? Lordy, please pray for me.


    .-= Erica´s last blog ..Fake Friends &amp “Unofficial” Followers =-.

  2. Condoleezza Rice better watch out! Your daughter sounds like BOTH of mine!
    .-= Sheliza´s last blog ..Beware of the Repeater =-.

  3. Looks like you are in for it girl. I can see my daughter growing up to be like that….right now, its her way or the highway….but it seems your daughter backs up all her talk with facts, so she is in the right. Until you come up with your own facts, that is. LOL. Hope you are having a wonderful week. (cheers.)

  4. Be careful.That literalness is just a way for her to be sassy and challenge you. I’d curb that, quick.

  5. my daughter is the same way… she said something about me buying her daddy a gift (he’s not my most favoritest person)… i told her i would jump right on that. She said mommy don’t jump on daddy’s present, it might break… lol.

    and come to think of it… my son’s the same way… only he does it just to annoy me..and it works!
    .-= sarah-overthinking mama´s last blog ..aN aWARD =-.