When I was younger, my mother was taking care of three kids under five. I was the oldest.
Usually, my mom would be sweet as pie. She loved being a mom and she gave us hugs and kisses every day to prove it. She’d take us places and we’d squeal in excitement because we knew we were in for a special treat.
But then there were weeks when I know the stress at work and home was just a little too much to bear. She’d been kind of crabby and my dad would look at her and say, “Ok, that’s enough.” He’d go upstairs and pack her a bag and load us kids in the car. He’d head for the nearest three-star hotel and tell my mom to have fun, order some room service and he’d watch us for the weekend. He wanted her to get a break, and she welcomed it. (Although there were many times that she called right as we got home and complained that she missed us.)
Those breaks happened a couple times a year. More frequently as we were younger (and the money was better). But the point is, both my parents understood the stress that came with motherhood (hell, with adulthood) and that if you don’t find a healthy way to manage that stress, it could do significant damage.
I find myself on the verge of a breakdown at least a couple times a year. I’ve overloaded my plate, don’t sleep enough, and if you ask me I’ve got two of the most demanding children in the world. (Love ’em to pieces! *smile*)
In the past, I worked myself constantly until the breakdown came and then BOOM! I was no good to anyone until I could take the time to get my mind right. I could see the damn thing coming but yet I did nothing to avoid it.
Now I’m much more aware of where I am emotionally. I can see a breakdown coming from a mile away and I take the necessary precautions now. I’ll go to bed early one night if I’ve had a long day with the kids. Or I’ll order pizza on one of those days where I’ve got too much to do and no time to do it. I’ll tell my husband to take these kids out of the house for a couple hours so I can put my feet up and watch a movie on Netflix interrupted.
I’ve learned that if I’m functioning at anything less than 50% it’s no good for my family. And it’s no good for me. I welcome these breaks and what they do for my mental health. Without them, I’m just a blubbering, emotional mess of a mom.
What’s your favorite way to relax and enjoy yourself?
My favorite way to relax and enjoy myself blogging or reading a really good book. Blogging helps me to channel negative energy into something positive. And reading allows me to escape to places I’ve only dreamed of.
I like to be able to just go to dinner with friends or I I want to be by mysel, I’ll catch up on some blog reading or catching up on my “Mommy shows”.
I sooo enjoy going to get a pedicure and staying there reading magazines for at least 2 hours. I too know my when my breakdown is coming but I let it everytime. It’s not healthy and I have got to do better!
Thanks for the advice