Welcome to my new series {She Inspires}, where I highlight young moms that inspire me in the hopes they can share a thing or two about living life on your own terms. First up is Jasmine Johnson, blogger over at Mrs. Mommy, MD. As I said in my post on moms to follow on Twitter, Jasmine is showing young mothers everywhere that nothing is impossible. It’s all possible. It’s all doable.
Blog URL: www.mrsmommymd.com
I’m a mommy to one extremely adorable 2 year old named Nathan

I get my strength from God. “The joy of the Lord is the strength of my life, so I can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13 (It’s why med school, and anything else is possible…)
Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to spending time with my Nates (the hubby’s name is Nate, too) and being as “normal” as possible – i.e. cleaning the house, lazy Saturdays, organizing, cooking dinner…
My support system is an amazing family who always have my back. This includes my husband and son who are my constant cheering section, my parentals and little brothers, and the hubby’s fam too. Plus, I have some amazing friends from college who make sure I know they love and pray for me even though miles away…
My son makes me feel like no matter what degree or title I have, the most important thing I will do in my life is be his mom.
I feel like a great mom when Nate does things like starts to pray in the car if I forget to in the morning, uses his manners, speaks and smiles to people. And my favorite, when he hugs and kisses me and then says “Mommy, I happy!” Love him

Love her blog. She is really an inspiration for young moms looking to have a family, finish their education and start a career.
Thanks so much! I love your blog too!
We’re all rooting for you, Jasmine! The Lord will complete the work He began in you!
Thanks Amber! :hugs:
Love the She inspires series. You are a great inspiration…love your focus.
Thanks boo
This new series is all.kinds.of.awesome!!! AND I learn of a great new site and have someone new to root for! It doesn’t take much at all to make the day better.
That’s amazing! Goodluck in your medical career! An inspiration indeed.
Thanks so much! 😀
Looking forward to this series! Mrs Mommy MD (Jasmine) has the right idea: wife, young mom & doctor! That’s so inspiring! I wish you all the best in your medical career!
So incredible! What a great series!
Okay, Tara, you’ve done it again. This time, you’ve picked the PERFECT person to start what I know will be an amazing series.
We all know Jasmine is amazing, but am I the only one that can see her smile through the words on her blog? Didn’t think so. Jasmine is always so positive and light and you can tell from her blog that she is genuinely a fun, happy, and hardworking girl.
Now how she goes to med school AND raise a toddler — well, I don’t know how she does it. Well, actually I do. Her faith. She writes about it all the time. That’s probably the #1 reason she’s an inspiration to me.
Jasmine, we love you and your blog. You always say things are “thebomb.com.” Well, my friend, YOU are the bombdiggitybomb.com. Keep doing your thing. We’re watching and rooting for ya.
Go Jasmine! We’re all cheering for you over here! xoxo
I am so happy for her. It’s so refreshing to see sistas doing their thing. I wish I had this type of support system. Makes all the difference. Keep up the good work!