{Giveaway} Tropicana Red Orange

Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Leah, who won! 

Part of the reason I agreed to join Tropicana’s mom panel (I’m a TropiMomma!) is because I can remember having Tropicana products in my house for as long as I can remember.

But one thing I don’t remember from my childhood was a variety of flavors and juices. All we bought was the white carton with the orange and the straw sticking out of it. If my dad bought some generic brand, my sisters and I would laugh him back to the store. We were a Tropicana family, period.

The good folks over at Tropicana alerted me to their newest flavor, Red Orange, and I am a believer for sure. It’s part of their Trop50 line, which gives you all the taste with 50% less sugar and calories (no Splenda!). It’s made from part regular orange juice, and part juice from blood oranges. It’s really good. Still that familiar orange juice taste but with a little extra zing, I loved the Red Orange variety and my kids slurped it down without a second thought. Plus there’s less sugar. But mainly, it’s delicious. I was drinking this with dinner, it’s that good. Think about it: How often are you drinking orange juice past 9 a.m.?

So I wanted to share with you all one bottle of this FREE juicy goodness: One lucky reader will win a bottle of Trop50’s Red Orange. To enter, please do the following:

That’s it! Easy as pie. This is going to be a quick giveaway, with a winner being announced tomorrow, March 13 at noon! Get your entries in!



  1. Just did both. I love Trop50 already, so I’ll definitely be trying this one!

  2. I liked both YML and Tropicana. I would love to try it! Sounds interesting.

  3. Done and done! Can’t wait to try the new flavor:)

  4. Yes, the juice is wonderful. BUT, do you really think that Purevia is a safe sugar substitute?

    • @Grace – I’ve researched it and based on some of the studies I’ve read, yes, I think Purevia is a safe substitute. Do I drink gallons of the stuff every day? Nope. But I do enjoy the Trop50 line in addition to water and tea and all the other stuff I drink.

  5. Reminds me of the orange juice I enjoyed in Italy while on vacation. Can’t wait to try it!