The phrase I hear most often from people who know me is “I don’t know how you do it.” The “it” is the looooong list of things on my daily to-do list.
Every day, I’m home with two kids, ages 5 and 3, trying my best to take over where their teachers left off. I’m managing editor over at this site. I write for this organization. I handle social media for a couple of organizations, including my former company. (Weird, yes.) I’m blogging here. I wrote a book. I’m studying for classes. I make dinner (from scratch) almost every night. Well, more often than not.
So, yeah, I’m crazy.
But I do all this so I can a) pay the bills b) pay the bills on time, and c) ensure that I will be able to pay the bills for the foreseeable future. It takes work to be a work-at-home mama.
But the only reason I’m able to do all this is because I have support.
Exhibit A – My husband. The man is a fantastic partner. Doesn’t complain about my “My God, I’m so tiiiiired” routine, even though he begs me not to stay up late every night and actually get some rest. He’s rearranged his schedule so I could go to class and we’d wouldn’t have to pay someone to watch the kids. When I complain about something, he tries to change. He’s pretty awesome. I’m very lucky.
Exhibit B – My parents. If I call my mom and there’s even a hint of “Ooooh these kids are driving me crazy” in my voice, she’ll offer up babysitting services before I ask. They keep Pull-Ups and baby wipes at their house, making it easy for me to drop them off with just a few changes of clothes. I’m blessed that my kids have grandparents this good.
Exhibit C – Sisters, my friends, my husband’s friends, my husband’s co-workers. It’s truly astounding to me at times how many people are rooting for us. My husband’s boss is awesome, my sisters don’t mind babysitting for me on their days off from work, and my husband’s friends are crazy respectful of our marriage and his role as a dad. It’s really a blessing that keeps on giving.
Exhibit D – You. Man oh man, if I had known what an amazing support system this blog was going to be, I would have started it earlier. Much earlier. I learn more from you than you do from me, I’m sure of it. I learn what true strength is. I learn that you can do all things you set your mind to. I learn that if I keep on pressing, I will reach my goals, whatever they may be. I learn that it’s okay to make mistakes as a parent and that you will try again to do your best the next day. I learn so much. So glad I have you all!
Again, just as you receive strength and encouragement from us, we surely receive it from you! Awesome post, Tara!
Great post! I appreciate the way you share yourself with me (and everyone else who reads this blog). This post really made me reflect. It is awesome to have a great support system. Keep up the good work!
Tara, your blog is that ray of sunshine in a sometimes gloomy world. Encouragement goes both ways. Its post like this one that remind us to reflect inwardly at ALL the blessings we have.
You inspire me more than you’ll ever know. Keep striving!
I is always a blessing to have a great support system. Some of the most successful people are ones that have a tight-knit support system of people who care greatly about them, understand and value what they do, love them unconditionally and can be completed trusted. It is rare, but when you see it in motion in someone’s life, the amazing can happen. It’s a beautiful thing!
Great blog! I am here at work so frustrated, because I HATE my job! My salary is so little, and i work so hard, i cant even have my second child, so its crazy right now, I really want to start fresh on my own (start a business) have my baby and finish school, and you are such an inspiration in this time of confusion. I always come here for encouragement , you are 1 of my favorite blogger. keep it up!