Mid-Run Thoughts Of A Kinda Newbie Runner

I recently started running again.

I haven’t made too big a deal about it because this time, it’s just something I’m doing for me. I’m not looking to get “likes” on my running updates, or “You go girl!” comments here on the blog. But it’s just about me and the road in front of me. It’s about getting healthy. It’s about finding an outlet for stress, which had started to get out of hand two weeks ago.

The stress was manifesting itself in these horribly vivid, violent dreams that were robbing me of precious sleep. I’d pass out exhausted, have nightmares all night and then wake up incredibly groggy and sore. After a week of these, I had to stop and think about what could be causing it. One word: stress.

So I’m lacing up and running. Do I love it? No, not yet. But it’s something I can do.

I wrote before about what I’m thinking when I run and I’m proud to say that there is much less profanity going through my head when I run now. Here’s an update as I’ve transitioned to kinda being a newbie:

Lacing up shoes: It better not be too hot outside. I don’t feel like sweating twice as hard.

Heading outside: Damn, it’s too hot.

Warm-up: This is pretty good. I must be getting better. 

1 minute into my run: Yeah, I can see why people do this. 

3 minutes into my run: I’m tired. 

10 minutes into my run: I hate this. 

11 minutes into my run: CRAP! A DOG! IS IT ON A LEASH?! NO? S***, I HOPE THERE’S AN INVISIBLE FENCE! 

15 minutes into my run: Okay, this isn’t so bad. 

20 minutes: Can’t breathe. 

Heading back into the house after cool-down: Must…get…water…

But about 20 minutes after the run, when I’ve caught my breath and wiped the sweat from my face and the pink in my cheeks has started to go away, I actually feel kind of…amazing. Like my body is working as it should. Like I’m strong and fit.

I feel like this:

or this:

It is pretty awesome. So I’m shooting for running 5 miles a week. Which is roughly one mile per day. I can do this.


  1. Sounds like you are doing better! I’ve just started running and am thrilled if I finish a 1/2 mile before I collapse !

  2. yes you can! and you’ll notice a huge improvement in our sleeping as well.

  3. Positive Innergy says:

    this post really inspires me to get back to running, you’re right — at least just for the stress reliever and sleep benefits — lol, the end is too funny!

  4. I just love running! I’m definitely a sight to see when I’m out there jiggling with all I got, but it feels amazing to move like that after 9 months of pregnancy! It will grow on you for sure! I started running in high school and hated it at first, but I crave it now.

  5. I enjoyed reading this post, Tara. I just started training for a 5k and I totally go through all of the motions. But, you’re right…afterwards, I feel invincible! You can do it! WE can do it! : )