Believing In Yourself Is 75% Of The Battle


I’m closing in on three years as my own boss. November 3, 2013 will mark three years since I was shown the door at my former job and the beginning of the wonderful journey I find myself on now.

It is not always easy. In fact, many days I find myself plagued with self-doubt and fear. Take last week, for instance. I got some not-so-good potential news about a client and just like that, I let myself become consumed with the “What If.”

But if there’s anything I’ve learned in the past three years, it’s that everything always works out in the end. And if it’s not worked out, then it’s not yet the end. (I know you’ve seen a similar quote floating around the internet.)

The first step to battling whatever is bugging you is to first believe in yourself. Believe that you’re smart enough. Believe you will be persistent enough. Believe you are courageous enough. Believe you have what it takes.

Because once you’ve convinced yourself that you deserve to win, amazing things begin to happen. As soon as I started introducing myself to people as a business owner, my business increased. As soon as I put down the money for those business cards, I would find a new client. As soon as I began to walk the walk and not just hope and wish, everything clicked into place.

So that’s your homework for this week: Take one step toward being your own biggest cheerleader. You want to open your own business? Go get a small business book from the library. You want to go back to school? Set an appointment to talk to an admissions associate. Make one move that gets you closer to your goal and then tell us about it over at the Young Mommy Life community. We’ll be here to cheer you on.