3 going on 35

Scene: Tired Mommy arrives at daycare to pick up her little ones after a long day at work. Daughter approaches Mommy with a request.

Daughter: “Mommy?” She takes this moment to eye her mother up and down. This slight motion escaped the Mommy’s attention, but will prove important in only a few short moments.

Mommy: “Yes, sweetie.”

Daughter: “I have to go to the bathroom.”

Mommy: “Okay.”

Daughter and Mommy (and Son) head to the bathroom. As Daughter is washing her hands, she beckons the Mom closer.

Daughter: “Mommy, I have to tell you a secret.”

Mommy leans closer.

Daughter: “Mommy,” she pauses, “you look like an old lady in that outfit.”

Yes, this was me and my daughter a few weeks ago. I didn’t know whether to be insulted or impressed. Insulted because I went on a special shopping trip to get this outfit, and I wasn’t about to be told by a three-year-old that my clothing choices were wack.

On the other hand, did homegirl really pull me to the side, away from the rest of the kids, and inform me ever so quietly that my outfit needed work? I had to admire how considerate she was, even if she thought her Mama’s clothes were fugly.


  1. Oh, that is too funny. I’m really curious about your outfit now — what were you wearing?

    • @Bridget – I had on a shirtdress, leggings and gold metallic sandals! The shirt was from Charlotte Russe! I was not looking old! LOL.

  2. LOL! That is too funny! I like that she pulled you aside so as to not embarrass you. Empathy is supposed to be hard to teach, but you obviously have done a good job. Now, all you have to do is get rid of your old lady clothes…

  3. Awwww!!!! She’s a good one, I know when I was her age I would have said it loud and proud!!!

  4. Wow! Hilarious. Kids can be so honest

  5. LOL! That cracks me up!

  6. Classic!

  7. lol….too cute. Funny how girls mature so much faster than boys….let it be your son and he would not have even remembered what you had on or let alone what he had on.

  8. as funny as this sounds (and prolly sad at the same time) my 8year-old is my number one critic! But at three…wow you’ve got a little fashion diva =)

  9. MrsDeveter says:

    I love it!!! Too cute…

  10. I laughed OUT LOUD at her comment!!! How precious….. I think your hands are full. Frequent mall runs are in your (immediate) future!