Friday Confessions: The Last Time I….

When was the last time I….

…woke up refreshed? Last September. I remember because I was on a business trip in Charlotte. Lord, I know some people complain about having to travel for work but if you have two small kids at home and money’s kind of tight, a two-day business trip is downright luxurious. You mean I get to have the bed to myself? I can pick up the phone, order some food, someone brings it to my room on a tray and the COMPANY pays for it? Hot damn.

…shaved my legs? August 2010. We went to the water park and I shaved everything. Last time a razor has touched my body. Luckily for me, my hair doesn’t grow that fast.

…ate fast food? Um, next question.

…went to the movies? I went to see Due Date with my husband in November. Snooze-fest! For some reason, the movies just don’t do it for me anymore. The last two years or so have all been bombs. Maybe it’s because I only get to see a new movie maybe twice a year I have such high hopes. But they let me down EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

Go ahead – give me your confession. When’s the last time you….


  1. Its been so long for this mommy, that I couldnt even tell you a general date! I completely understand, and at times wish I worked so I could take advantage of those little luxuries!!! Enjoy them the few times they come around, because you deserve it! :)

  2. The last time we went on a date was also to see Due Date lol. We bring Nolan on dates when we go out to eat. Its been a week since I shaved (my hair grows fast haha) and I can’t remember the last time I woke up refreshed. Before pregnancy #1 I guess.

  3. Last time I saw a movie in an actual theater was 8 years ago~ The Lizzie McGuire Movie~ Sad, I know.

    Last time I had Starbucks- over a year ago. SAHM of 3 and housewife, can’t fathom paying that much for coffee when I can make it at home the way I like inexpensively.

    Last time I bought a pair of shoes was over a year ago. I need to get some badly.

  4. Ha! Can’t remember the last time I work up refreshed. What was it like? Haven’t seen a movie in about a year. We had a Oscar ballot at work and I had no idea what any of the movies were about!

  5. …got my hair and naila.done at the salon. amani was still in my stimach. I keep promising myself Im going to give her to mt mom and go but I never get there. Its been over three uears since Ive smelled nail polish and burning hair.

  6. The last time I shaved my legs..4 months ago…
    Let me stop this is too embarassing! I love this post though!!!

  7. Hmm, let’s think.

    Last time I got a haircut? (and I mean a GOOD one, not me just attempting to just trim those split ends)….would have to be a year ago!!

    Last time hubby and I had a date night?? I cannot even remember, cause the most recent, sitter bailed at the last min and we had to take little man with us….lol