Been hearing all the news about the swine flu outbreak and it’s got me paranoid. Every time my daughter sneezes or my son has snot running out his nose, I feel like locking them in their rooms and stocking up on Lysol.
The CDC simply recommends people to use common sense and WASH YOUR HANDS AND COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU SNEEZE.
Seriously, that’s it.
They also recommend that you sing a song, say, “Happy Birthday” or “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” while you wash your hands to make sure you wash them long enough.
I was in the bathroom at work and I remembered this advice. Most people, I guess, would simply sing the song in their head and go about their business.
Not this mama. I had a good lather going, and then belted out my best “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” along with a little dance I do with my daughter. I got to the “…merrily, merrily, merrily…” part when a co-worker walked in.
I can’t begin to think how ridiculous I looked, but, truthfully? I’m a mom, what can I say?
I know… I think their “advice” is ridiculous. I mean, wash your hands? Really? That’s all you’ve got? Maybe this will help people who never wash their hands to start?!