To Be A Great Mother, You Have To Love Yourself First

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Something I have been working on in my own life recently is self-love.

It’s a simple concept, just love yourself, right? But in truth it’s so much more complicated than that and is often misunderstood. Self love is more than just a bubble bath at the end of the week, more than treating yourself to glass of wine, or a new book. When you truly love yourself, you treat yourself in so many ways, every day.

Loving yourself is nourishing your body with healthy food and good sleeping habits. It’s choosing a happy and healthy work environment. It’s deciding who your true friends are and the people you surround yourself with.

When you don’t love yourself, when your self-esteem is low, you may be more likely to develop bad habits like smoking, binge drinking, hanging around people who make you feel lousy, accepting poor working conditions, or just living a poor lifestyle in general.

We can’t always choose our surroundings, understandable, but when you love yourself you do your best to make this crazy thing called life as wonderful as possible.

Self-love is not selfish, either. When you have a good relationship with yourself all of your other relationships improve, too. You also set a better example for you children because as their role model they imitate what they witness.

So how do you love yourself?

First of all, accept all your past failures and success. Appreciate the good you have done and learn from your mistakes. Sometimes getting over your past requires forgiveness, which can be difficult but is very uplifting once accomplished. The past is gone and now it’s time to focus on the present and the future.

It’s super important to spend some quality time with yourself, to be alone with your thoughts and feelings and learn to enjoy your own company. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings and do what you feel deep down is right. This goes along with respecting yourself. Really get to know yourself, explore your own special talents and be proud of who you are.

Identify and accept your strengths and weaknesses. Once you do this, opportunities will present themselves and your life will be so much easier. Take pride in what you have to offer, because it is undoubtedly awesome!

And remember above all that self love is a never-ending journey, not a destination. Love yourself now, as you are, and take the time to give yourself a lot of loving care.


  1. Excellent post. I love how women choose to love themselves and not forget about themselves! I also did a love yourself post, well video here. I find that one way we can really respect ourselves is to love ourselves, and give ourselves the moment to care for ourselves. I love the saying that if mama is not happy, then no one is happy.